About the persecution of members of the March of Dissent in Nizhny Novgorod

International Committee for the Protection of freedom and civil society expresses its extreme concern that took place today, the persecution in Nizhny Novgorod, the participants of the March of Dissent enforcement bodies of Russia.

The right of citizens to participate in peaceful demonstrations is guaranteed by the Constitution of Russia. International Committee of the protection of freedom and civil society strongly condemns the Russian authorities for the impediments created by the implementation of the Russian citizens of their constitutional rights.

The reluctance of Russian authorities to grant its citizens the opportunity to publicly express views that differ from the official, is considered by the International Committee of the protection of freedom and civil society as a clear demonstration of Russia’s authoritarian ruling regime. The repression against dissidents have nothing to do with the generally accepted in the civilized world democratic principles.

The original of this document (in Russian) is available at civilguard.arbat.name

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