With regard to the abduction of an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nadezhda Savchenko by agents Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and further abuse of her by a person posing as representatives of the Russian justice

The International Committee of the protection of freedom and civil society believes that the base farce called nowadays in Russia the trial of an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nadezhda Savchenko, to defend their homeland against the invading foreign aggressor, and what was its military duty, too long.

The International Committee of the protection of freedom and civil society warned Russian President Vladimir Putin about the extremely serious consequences for him personally, that very soon necessarily vosposleduet in the case of the tragic outcome of this ridiculous farce instigated them.

For this reason the International Committee for the protection of freedom and civil society offers to Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the manner of personal self-defense, to take immediate measures to release Hope Savchenko from detention and immediate transmission of the said person to the Ukrainian side.

The International Committee of the protection of freedom and civil society in this regard, informs the president of Russia Vladimir Putin that in the event of failure to comply with these completely natural and logical demands he put himself outside the law, with all the consequences of this extremely unpleasant consequences for him personally.

Text of the statement in Russian is at http://civilguard.arbat.name/?p=243